Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jesus lives here....and Uncle Ron

So, the girls have had some foam bath toys for a long time that stick to the side of the tub; fun, but starting to show signs of being constantly wet (ie: moldy). So, we threw them away and went in search of some new bath toys. Among the treasures we found were these fish from a dollar store. Olivia chose, of course, the orange one, and named it Nemo. Sabrina chose, of course the green one, and named it......Uncle Ron! Perhaps it reminds her of him in some way (?), or maybe it's because Auntie Viv was with us when we bought it, but whatever the reason, she thought of the name by herself. Another thing that Sabrina has thought of by herself for some unknown reason is to put Malcolm's burp cloth on his head, then put his hat on top and announce, "Malcolm be Jesus!" We can't figure out if it's supposed to be long hair, or if it's like dressing the shepherds up with towels on their heads for a Christmas pageant.... anyways, he makes a cute little Jesus!
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