Sunday, March 11, 2007

Captain Ahab and Da Girls

In my long life I have caught but one fish. It was a one pound jack at Emma lake in Northern Saskatchewan. This weekend, after thirty years, I thought I would try again but this time I brought in some special recruits. On Saturday, I took the girls to the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery for some daddy/daughter bonding time.

As you can see it was very educational. Here the girls are placing items on a flannelgraph to help illustrate the life cycle of a rainbow trout.
Sabrina and Liv were very keen on catching a fish but alas even though I could see the little critters swimming by our hook none of the loser fish took the bait and we went home empty handed (not entirely true since we won a big sticker as a door prize). We vowed to return again later in the summer to claim what is rightfully ours and end my thirty year fish catching drought.
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Blogger Alvin & Denise Engler said...

ooo... that sounds like a fun idea! those fish made a poor choice -- either that or they were just too stupid and oblivious to the fact that their destiny awaited them... something about a return to the Fraser River via human digestive tract and sewage treatment facility. they better take their chance next time! just think what they missed out on.

3/11/2007 10:53 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad captain highlinger, I've never caught one and I will be much older than you this year!!But you guys looked the part!!
Love ya, auntie Shelley

3/12/2007 8:38 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's time to take you to northern Sask, where you catch one every time you throw in the line

I think you need a trip to good old northern Sask, where you catch one almost as soon as you throw in your line. Someday!!!!

3/13/2007 6:09 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, Well, I am finally commenting after reading all your blogs today. Re the fishing, come on over as Doug has caught a 53 lb salmon, and pictures to prove it. Albeit we do not have a boat, and you need a boat to catch one that big.
Congrats on a new little nephew, and pal for your three! Hope you guys get across the water to visit in the summer or sooner.
Blessings and thanks for sharing your fun this way, Doug and Carol

3/14/2007 7:51 a.m.


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