Malcolm tends to get kind of fussy in the evenings, and Dobby has found that the one thing that never fails to console him is being in the bathroom. He loves to listen to the water running, or the fan, and look at the bright lights. He'll lay on the counter for a long time just looking around, but as soon as you pick him up to leave the room, he starts to cry again. So, this has become a nightly ritual - Mommy feeds Malcolm, we hang out for a bit, he gets cranky, Daddy takes him to the bathroom. Dobby's getting a lot of reading done, since there's not much else to do in the bathroom (you can see his book on the counter beside Malcolm). I suggested that he could always clean it while he's in luck yet!
We had Mac's 4 week visit with the midwife yesterday. He has gained more than a pound in the past two weeks (1/2 an ounce to an ounce a day is what's expected, so he well exceeded that). He's now 9lb 13oz, and the midwife says he gets a gold star. I think so too, since he's only waking me up once a night, and getting more alert and social every day. He's very interested in what his sisters are doing, and he's content to lie on the floor beside them for a long time, just taking it all in. They're both very good to him, very attentive and gentle, very concerned when he cries. Sabrina has taken to advising me on what I should do for him when he cries. Her advice is either "poop" (which means I should change him), "num, num, num"(which means I should feed him), or "burp" (self-explanatory!). She's usually right!
4/27/2006 11:37 a.m.
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