Thursday, November 30, 2006


Yes, we are becoming eskimos here. Usually when it snows here, we enjoy it for a day, then it rains and the snow is gone, leaving behind only a few piles of brown slush to remind us of its presence. This time, however, the snow has been here for 5 days already, and more was added to it last night, so our life has been very different this week. For one thing, Dobby has been taking our van to work, since his car has not-so-great tires (and also it was frozen shut). Which means Daisy has been staying home (because I don't want our van full of her hair), so she's bored stiff, because Olivia's the only child here who wants to go outside, so we've been staying in for hte most part. Malcolm's got a bit of a cold, so I don't want to drag him around in the cold too much, and Sabrina hates it, so today was the first time I could convince her to go outside for a while since that first walk in the snow on Sunday. Dobby got her outside for a few minutes on Monday which is when this picture was taken...literally a few minutes - by the time I got the camera, she was asking to come in again. Mommy I'm so cold, I want to come in.
Olivia on the other hand has turned into a little snow bunny. She goes out every chance she gets (usually with Grandpa, since he's not working these days). This is the igloo Grandpa built for her with all the snow that he shovelled off of their deck. The entrance is around the back, and just behind where Olivia's standing is the window.... she can look out while she sits in her igloo and eats her "snow pies" (hopefully made from snow that Daisy hasn't been near).
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the cutest little eskimo I have ever seen!!!

12/01/2006 4:50 p.m.

Blogger terry/laura said...

that is a great igloo, your grandpa is a very smart man. I guess Sabrina & Noah are the ones who will have to learn to like snow, apparently he does not want to walk in it. But I agree with Sabrina it was verrrrrry coooooold

12/01/2006 10:10 p.m.


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