Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas stuff

Baby Santa says Merry Christmas, and he hopes you all are enjoying the season. Olivia graduated from her gymnastics program on Saturday - she really enjoyed it, but she has decided to go back to dancing after Christmas (Dayna, I can hear you cheering!). The main reason? ...she wants to be in the year-end show....she loves to be on stage. And speaking of being on stage...
...the girls had their Sunday School Christmas Concert on Sunday. This is an action shot of Olivia and her class (that's her best friend Elsa beside her) belting out "We Three Kings." Those kids produced a lot of sound - they have a great teacher, and I'm very glad that my kids are the same ages as "Mrs. Tanya's" kids, so they can benefit from having her as their teacher.
There aren't so many action shots of Sabrina, since there wasn't a lot of action going on. The boy beside her was into it, but this is her first experience on stage, and she was a little tentative. To her credit, when the song started (the picture is of the poem recitation), she sang every word...not loudly, but she sang!
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey santa - the best looking santa I've ever seen!!
and you girls did a FANTASTIC job singing and saying your peoms!!

12/20/2006 9:46 p.m.


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