Monday, October 09, 2006

We spent the morning at the park, riding bikes, walking the trails, swinging, sliding, and hanging like monkeys! Also jumping off of things, which seems to be a new favorite pasttime. I never would have believed a couple of months ago how brave Olivia would be about things like this, but gymnastics has really broadened her horizons! And speaking of brave, when we got home, Dobby got up on the roof and painted the trim. Dad had already done all of the other trim on the house, but he didn't feel too comfortable doing the really high stuff (as most people wouldn't). Dobby, however, says "I do this every day", and proceeds to hang over the edge of the roof with a paint roller in his hand. Sabrina told him about every two minutes, "don't fall Daddy".....he found that very encouraging!

The house looks much nicer now, but if it had been me that had to do the painting, the trim would have stayed faded forever.
So, that was our Thanksgiving Monday - we're all thankful that Dobby made it off the roof safely! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh - i am sooooo very glad I wasn't there to witness that - it makes me nervous just looking at the pics! Glad you are safe Dobby!!

10/10/2006 7:03 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember making you come down from high places when you were a little kid. I'm glad I wasn't there to witness this in person, or I would have been yelling at you to 'GET OFF THAT ROOF OR ELSE'
The house does look nice though.

10/10/2006 9:32 p.m.


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