Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The girls can't wait for Malcolm to be big enough to play with them. This week they found a way to include him in their games - they can pack him in a "suitcase" and take him along on their imaginary travels. That's one of their current favorite games - they each have a suitcase, and they love to pull a bunch of stuff out of their closets and go somewhere (usually to Indonesia to see Tehya, or to Dora's real place that we will, unfortunately, probably never see, and one imaginary place). Our little lifeguard, chillin' by the pool.
An early morning shot with our favorite animal, Daisy.
The lifeguard braves the water - it was pretty cool water, but he didn't complain at all. He got in waist-deep, and loved it.
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Blogger terry/laura said...

Looks like a pretty fun game for everyone, Malcolm has a pretty good deal riding along. He is taking his lifeguard job pretty seriously.

7/07/2006 9:36 p.m.


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