Saturday, April 28, 2007

New Blog!

So, in light of all the problems I've been having posting stuff here, I've taken Denise's advice and started a new blog. You can check us out now at I'm still working out some kinks, but it looks like it'll be a lot easier than this one once I figure it all out. Thanks for your help, Denise!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Sabrina got some roller-skates, which she (and her sister) are enjoying very much.

And on Saturday we had her party at a high school gym. We played, ate lunch, had cake, and whacked a pinata (or pinya-ata, as Sabrina calls it).
Unfortunately, with the set-up and the party and the clean-up, Malcolm missed his morning nap, so he took a break whenever an opportunity arose!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Birthday, little girl! Sabrina is 3 today! Olivia couldn't wait for Daddy to get home (or for Malcolm to wake up) to give her her present, so this is how we started the day, in my bed.
She chose a baby my little pony for her sister; it's pretty cute. Actually, the first pony that we bought spoke French -?- so we had to exchange it (luckily I took it out of it's package to change the batteries before we gave it to Sabrina, so we discovered the language barrier before the gift presentation), but now we have this one which we can understand!

And also, hockey is very much on our minds these days...although I don't think it's acceptable to throw the puck usually, but he's got good follow-through, hey? Also, I didn't cut his head off in all the pictures, it just looks that way when I put them in a collage!
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Thursday, April 12, 2007


So, at times I may be prone to exaggeration, but I'm not lying when I say that this post was attempted at least 20 times. And it owes it's entire existance to Denise, without who's help I would have given up LONG AGO. So thanks Denise, it didn't make it post any faster, but at least I didn't have to type it out 20 times (which I wouldn't have done).

Ridin' in Malcolm's new dump truck. Notice the scar on his forehead.... more on that later.
Our Easter egg hunt. There were only 84 eggs for the 4 kids to find. And that includes Malcolm, who only bothered to find an egg because it was "hidden" in the grass right in front of him. Notice his bat beside him in the lower right picture.... more on that later, too.
After the exhausting work of hunting, we had to consume large amounts of paska. Too bad. You can see the shade-dwellers lined up along the fence. Greg and Dobby were commenting (sarcastically, of course) on how nice it was to get outside after a week of work (they both work outside) ha ha. I, on the other hand, was sitting in the most direct sunlight I could find.
This picture from Malcolm's birthday is included to show off his bandage. He fell into the garden, and got two sticks poked into his head. He could have broken his fall with his hands, but that would have meant letting go of his large plastic shovel that he was carrying, and he wouldn't dream of doing that. If he hasn't got that in his hands while wandering around the yard, he's got his golf club. And if it's not that, it's his baseball bat. Or better yet, two of the above at the same time. Anyways, he bled quite a bit at first, but it stopped quite quickly, so I bandaged him up, and we carried on. Now I'm wishing I would have taken him to get a stitch or two (yes, Grandma, you were right), because it's going to be a fair-sized scar. I've never even had to consider taking the girls to get stitches... oh, well, if he's going to be a dare-devil, then he might as well look like one.
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I actually have a new post, with 4 new pictures and everything, that I just typed out THREE TIMES, and each time Blogger refused to post it for one reason or another. One time it told me that I had to be "connected to the internet to use this feature". Hello, we're not on dial-up here, we're always connected to the internet. I actually frequently have posts that I prepare, and then can't post, and get so frustrated that I give up. So, sorry to anyone who's waiting for something new, but nap-time only lasts so long, and I can't spend all of it sitting here typing the same thing over and over! No new pictures today.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

At the Fair

There's been a fair set up in a parking lot in town this week, and the girls were dying to go. Dobby was at worship team practice, so we begged Grandma to come along. Malcolm thought "Mini-hoops" sounded right up his alley, so he took a shot at it. Totally missed the basket, got a prize anyways!
Of course the carousel was a must.
Two little girls in a giant spinning strawberry.
The girls surprised me with how brave they were about going on the rides. It helped that there was practically no one else there, so they could just walk up, get on, and the ride would start. No waiting, and not another soul on any ride with them. That's the way to do the fair!
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