Saturday, June 24, 2006

Summer, Finally

The first official weekend of summer, and finally the sun is out! We had a busy day ahead of us, so Malcolm and Daddy took a few minutes to relax and watch some World Cup soccer in the morning. It appears we have a soccer fan in the making! Malcolm and I took Olivia to her last dance class this morning, and then to a birthday party, and while she was there he got his 3 month picture taken (a tradition that all the kids have had). And then when we got home, we found that Daddy and Sabrina had set up the pool in the backyard, with a waterslide and everything, so the girls had a great time cooling off. Now the kids are all napping, then we're off to Greendale to visit some friends....a lot of stuff to pack into one day!
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thanks Tehya!

Olivia was very excited to get some mail from her friend Tehya, whose family are missionaries with MAF in Indonesia. Tehya sent a craft, which Olivia did immediately, and which is hanging by a suction cup beside her in this picture. Tehya's family will be visiting home this summer, and Olivia is very much looking forward to playing with her old friend again. See you soon, Tehya! Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 12, 2006

Happy Kids

Malcolm is a happy guy! He is able more and more to just hang out, watching the goings-on around him, giving a smile to whoever takes the time to chat as they pass by. I guess he's growing up.
And on the subject of growing, my girls sure don't do a lot of that. I was sorting through our baby girl clothes today to lend to friends since Malcolm won't need them, and the girls decided to try them on. All the items worn in this picture are 6 month size, except for the pants on Olivia, which are 3 month size. Oh my goodness. Skinny girls.
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Some Stuff

Olivia had her first dance recital this weekend. The theme of the show was "Under the Sea", and her class were the jellyfish. She was, of course, adorable, and she stole the show with her kiss-blowing as she left the stage. I asked Dobby after the show where on earth she could have gotten the "look-at-me" gene from....he had no idea. Zena, thanks for the car! It gets used every time we go outside, and I think it's already been washed more times than our van ever has!
This is Olivia's first haircut. Finally, I can fill in that spot in her baby book! People always say that if we cut the top layer of "baby hair," it would all curl up (the underside of her hair is ringlets, but the top layer is straight). We tried, and it's a little better, but still not as curly as the bottom. That's Grandma, A.K.A. the family hairdresser, doing the cutting.
And here is Olivia standing outside in the biggest downpour I can remember ever seeing. The water was splashing up off the driveway up to her knees, but she really wanted to stay out in it. It was quite warm still, so we all stood in the doorway and watched her get soaked.
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Friday, June 02, 2006

Our Trip part 2

So, these pictures were supposed to be after the other ones from our trip, but went awry in the posting process, so now they're out of order. Oh, well. Malcolm wasn't totally into taking this picture, but we did it anyways.
The girls in their pj's with their cousin Nicole and her boyfriend Aaron.
We stopped at Nicole and Dayna's apartment for lunch on the way to the airport. It's a very colorful place - Dayna's room is orange (Olivia's favorite color) and Nicole's room, where this picture was taken, is red (Sabrina's favorite). They thought it was the coolest place!
Our expert travellers return home. Sabrina insists (and I do mean insists, in a very two-year-old fashion) on pulling her own suitcase. Posted by Picasa

Our Trip

Here we go! The first leg of our journey featured tv's in the seats, so the girls were entertained while they ate their complimentary cookies and juice. Unfortunately, the other planes we went on didn't yet have this feature, so we had to use more traditional (Read:labour intensive) ways to pass the time.
Malcolm was amused by Grandma Reid's dog, Gidget. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 01, 2006

As I mentioned in a previous post, Olivia didn't stop dancing the whole night. Sabrina wasn't quite as energetic, but she made a few attempts at it.
Malcolm, on the other hand, made no attempt at dancing. He fell asleep on the table. Bad manners had anyone else done it, but for him it was excusable!
The wedding day was not exactly tropical. Good for keeping mosquitoes away, not so good for keeping warm. Here, Olivia attempts to ward off the goose bumps under a tree with her cousins Kyle, Stef, and Jay.
Olivia was reunited with her buddies from the last trip to Birch Hills - all of Grandma's lawn and garden ornament animals. The ducks of the far right are favorites, but there are also some birds, squirrels, a skunk, and various other creatures under the blankets (along with her baby, Emma). Posted by Picasa