Saturday, January 27, 2007


The girls both got new gear for their bikes for Christmas, and today was a good opportunity to try it out. It was a beautiful day, so we put on the new bike basket and handlebar tassles, filled up the new water bottles, strapped on the new elbow and knee pads ( Sabrina's were new, and she still needs a helmet, but she doesn't really move fast enough on her bike to have a bad fall, so there's really no rush), and rode to the nearby schoolyard. Malcolm enjoyed the view from his new favorite vantage point.
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Friday, January 26, 2007

Growing up

Sabrina decided out of the blue today to throw her nuk (soother) in the garbage. We've been asking her for a while when she thought she would be ready, and today she said she'd throw it away when she was four. I said she wouldn't need it that long, definitely not after she was three. Olivia chimed in with the fact that she threw hers away when she was two, and Sabrina said " I'm throwing it away right now" and she went and got it and threw it in the garbage. Dobby and I stared at each other in disbelief - she loves that thing. But, she's been in bed for a while now, and hasn't come out to ask for it, so I guess she was serious. Wow.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Crazy Hair : Part 2

The finished product - pretty CRAZY!
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Monday, January 22, 2007

Crazy Hair : Part 1

Tomorrow is Crazy Hair Day at Olivia's dance class. Since her class is in the morning, we don't have a tonne of extra time to get ready, so we did some advance prep tonight. Tune in tomorrow for a pic of the finished product. Sabrina didn't want to be left out of the photo shoot...
Malcolm and Tinkerbell working in the garage with Grandpa's scraps of wood. Of course, the responsible big girl has the rubber mallet, and the unpredictable baby has the real hammer with a metal claw on the back....
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

So happy !

This morning Malcolm got to sit in his big Thomas chair and watch Dora with the exciting! He lasted about three minutes and then moved on to other, more interesting, pursuits. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

More Snow?!

It snowed again this morning. We never get this much snow. But it wasn't cold today, so I convinced Sabrina to brave the outdoors, and we all went tobogganing. Daddy was at work unfortunately, so I got Grandpa and Grandma to come along for extra pullers. I haven't yet figured out how to pull 2 tobogans down a narrow path at once. This is the path from our house to the park. Olivia was by far the most enthusiastic sledder!
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Malcolm on his "cool" ride. Grandma and Sabrina.
Mommy and Malcolm.
The ride back up the hill.
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The little snow buddies. A snow angel....
..a snow gopher....
...and a snow.....something. Something happy!
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Monday, January 08, 2007

Just Like New

For Olivia's first Christmas, Uncle Greg and Auntie Becky gave her a pushing/riding toy, which she proudly pushed around while she learned to walk, then passed on to Sabrina when she needed it. Somewhere along the way, it got taken outside, and turned into an outdoor riding vehicle (read: it got really dirty). So tonight we brought it inside, gave it a bath.... ...polished it up....
...and handed it over to it's proud new owner.
He was off in a flash! Boy was he ready for this toy!
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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Every Girl's Crazy 'Bout a Sharp Dressed Man

This picture serves two purposes. First, as the title suggests, he's wearing his fanciest outfit, he looks good, and he knows it! Second, it shows off his favorite pose, which is sitting like a gopher. This is how he sits all the time, and if he doesn't have both legs tucked under him, then he at least has one. Good thing babies have flexible knees! Some more pictures from Christmas - the girls wearing some of their "princess" dress-up outfits, Malcolm happily getting in the way while we try to do a new puzzle, playing some new games, trying on new slippers, etc.
These are the desserts I made for one of our family gatherings ( this is for you, Auntie Viv, you said I had to blog them!). A Nativity scene, and a chocolate cake with a white chocolate "tree" on top.

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